Friday, March 2, 2012

My Current Project - Crayon Art

I love trying out new things.  Today, I tried out two new craft projects.  One will be revealed at a later date . . . dum dum dum.  The other is inspired by wonderful crayon artists.  No, I am not talking about the 2-4 year old crayon artists that steal our hearts away, I mean experienced crayon playing adults!

Here are my favorite examples of crayon art:

Melted Umbrella Crayon Art by lightandspoon
Item Name: Melted Umbrella Crayon Art

Etsy Shop: Light and Spoon

First, I am in love with LightandSpoon's crayon art canvas that includes a figure of a couple in the rain.  The canvas only has the crayon drippings rather than the tacky crayon coverings making this canvas classy enough for any room.

Monogrammed Circle Crayon Art by QueenCityConceptions
Item Name: Monogrammed Circle Crayon Art

Etsy Shop: Queen City Conceptions

I love this crayon art especially for a children's room.  It's imaginative and quite frankly . . . it's psychedelic!  This canvas definitely reminds me of tie die and with the finishing touch of a monogram, it is styling!

Auras Crayon Art by Woodfairyamber
Item Name: Auras Crayon Art

Etsy Shop: Wood Fairy Amber

The Etsy artisan Woodfairyamber chooses the brightest colors and the most beautiful designs to cover her canvas.  The effect is breathtaking.  This is only one of her unique designs.  Be sure to check out her shop for other excellent items!

My Attempt at Crayon Art
My Experiment . . . Gone Wrong!

To express how amazing the designs above are in the realm of crayon art, I will share with you my attempt at Crayon Art.  The canvas to the left side of the screen is my "crayon art" or perhaps my crayon not so much art.  I utilized my son's broken and injured crayons, then glued them to the top of the canvas.  After this, I pulled out my hair dryer and began to let the heat have its fun.  While the process was fun, my finished product is more like an expression of a room after a party is finished.  Well!  Maybe next time!!!


  1. Oh dear! I actually sorta love the art you made! It's organic, right??

    There are some seriously talented people out there...wielding crayons!

    Popping in from the EBT...

  2. Oh no! I wondered if it was really that simple! Will you be trying again?

    By the way, thanks for stopping by my blog! :)

    1. Actually the creator of the first piece, the couple in the rain, as a really great technique in their blog. They use a glue gun to apply the crayons. I'll be trying that on my next attempt!

  3. I know you're not please with the results, but I think your effort looks really cool...I've never heard of melted crayon art before!

  4. Hi Brooke- Thanks for visiting my blog! I especially like the first one with the couple under the umbrella. I have to check out the HOW behind getting just the drippings onto the canvas. Very cool!

  5. I always wanted to try this!

    1. Check back by my blog, I have a new post with all sorts of crayon art projects. I had no idea how many ideas people have had with using crayons. Here's the link:

  6. Wow! The arts are looking incredible. If you are looking for some amazing Kids Art Supplies you can check out the links.


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