Thursday, August 2, 2012
My Ideal Weekly Schedule
Ta Da!
My newest printable is "My Ideal Weekly Schedule"! The schedule written on the Printable as an example is not my personal schedule. However, I really think it conveys a really healthy, happy schedule for a family. Plenty of family time, plenty of mommy time, and plenty of time to get everything else done. What is your ideal schedule?
My Schedule
All I can say is that I cannot wait to be able to credibly fill out an ideal weekly schedule. Since I recently moved from the states to Italy, a schedule . . . a routine has been hard to come by. Currently, I am living in a basic hotel and we've been here for a month! And we still have a month to go before we will be able to get settled. While our circumstances might make it hard to write out an "Ideal Schedule,"I attempted to fill one out a week ago. I realized that by writing a makeshift schedule (even making up activities to make life seem routine) I was able to find routine and get closer to my ideal. Basically, having an ideal schedule is a great step towards knowing what we want out of our time.
Day In My Life
Here's a snippet of my Ideal Schedule:
Read Bible
Laundry Mat
Laundry Mat
Work on Printables
Prepare Dinner
Week At a Glance
My personal Week At a Glance looks radically different than my Ideal Week. For one thing, my son started swimming lessons at 9 a.m. three days a week. Also, since I live in such small quarters the refrigerator is miniature. I do not attempt seven days of prepared meals. We go out more than a couple nights a week. However, we really do some of the things that make a schedule seem regular. The ideal exists and routine exists, even if it changes.
Have you ever written out your ideal schedule?
Remember the Home Organization Printable Giveway Ends Friday Night at Midnight, so be sure to get in on the fun before then!
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